General Information
DUI and OUI cases in Anchorage, Alaska originate with arrests by either Alaska State Troopers or Anchorage Police Department officers. If the arrest is made by an Anchorage Police Department officer, it is ordinarily prosecuted under the Anchorage Municipal Code OUI laws – in which case you are charged with “OUI” (Operating Under the Influence). If the arrest is made by State Troopers, the Anchorage District Attorney's Office will prosecute the case under the State DUI laws, in which case you would be charged with “DUI” (Driving Under the Influence).
If the DUI or OUI case is charged as a misdemeanor the case will be in Anchorage District Court, and will be handled by a District Court Judge. There are approximately 11 different District Court judges in Anchorage.
If the DUI case is charges as a felony, it would be handled by a Superior Court Judge. There are approximately 17 different Anchorage Superior Court Judges.
There are two separate court buildings constituting the State Courthouse in Anchorage. The Boney Courthouse is located at 303 K Street, on K Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues. The Nesbett Courthouse is across the street at the corner of 4th Street and I Street. The clerk's office is in the Nesbett Courthouse.
Contact Information
Clerk of Trial Courts
Cynthia Lee
825 W. 4th Ave., Room 118
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 907-264-0671
DUI Defense In Anchorage, AK
Fred Slone has been recognized as the “attorney to see” for DUI cases in Alaska. His home base is Anchorage. Fred has represented citizens accused of DUI and OUI in Anchorage since 1983. Mr. Slone has seen many changes in the laws over the years, and seen many prosecutors and judges come and go during this time span. Fred has handled hundreds of Anchorage DUI and OUI cases charged by both the Municipality of Anchorage as well as the State of Alaska. He has conducted many DUI and OUI trials, and many of suppression hearings in Anchorage DUI and OUI cases. For DUI, OUI and related charges in Anchorage, Alaska contact Fred Slone at 907-272-4471.
For those accused of crimes who cannot afford to pay for private counsel, the Alaska Public Defender Agency, Anchorage Office, handles cases in which the court has appointed public counsel to represent the accused. The Anchorage Public Defender Agency phone number is 907-707-1710.